Go2Cab Services

You cannot get it exactly right the first time

Go2Cab will ensure that you do NOT get it wrong

Go2Cab Success Elements

Go2Cab offers a range of services to ensure successful business transformation. Go2Cab services revolve around using Go2Cab evidence based decision-making framework where the Business-First Blueprint is one of its core components. Go2Cab Services deliver actionable outcome rather than paper-strategies, roadmaps and target operating models that make little or no sense. Go2Cab services include the delivery of the vital-few adjustments to your business operating model and the identification of the critical influencing factors on the bottom line to ensure operational excellence with self-enforced process mapping and simple, yet very useful business analytics.

Given the “way” we go about helping Clients, it does not take long to realise the “iThink” becomes “iKnow” because decisions you make are EVIDENCE-BASED. The three critical elements to ensure success are:
    – Strike the just-in-time and well-crafted balance between competing factors that are perceived to impact the desired business targets. We do this by asking the right questions and, only ask a few of them.
    – Through proper data analytics, identify the influencing (not the correlated) factors that will significantly impact the desired Business or Personal measurable, testable and traceable Objectives [aka targets].
   – Quickly place things in accord with people’s mind, earn their trust and show the difference between “EVIDENCE” versus “OPINION” driven assurance.

Go2Cab Golden Qualifiers

Sooner than anticipated, the honeymoon is over, nothing much has changed and, in some cases, things got worse. One of the first things we do is to carefully construct an architectural model with actionable operational Business-First Blueprint (BFB) for the organisation.

A proper BFB examines how the business is hooked-up for best performance in the context of operational dynamics (ie the moving parts of the business) given a set of measurable and time-bound objectives.

This “hook-up” is not only about HR. Reporting lines driven by HR are important but cannot be treated as the deal-breaker. It is about the OPTIMAL interactions [or interfaces] between systems (ie, people and/or things whether IT-based or otherwise) that are seamlessly working together in a self-enforced and self-monitored environment via tightly coupled and carefully-balanced Go2Cab SIX Golden Qualifiers:

– People,
– Process,
– Information and Technology,
– Accuracy,
– Relevance; and
– Timeliness.

Service Qualifiers | Go2Cab

Please feel free to drop us a line. Put us to the test and see how we measure up.

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