Avoid Simplistic Analysis and Business Insight Mistakes
Organisations quickly think of tools as the cure for business transformation, business insight, business analytics and operational challenges. The tendency to believe that tools are the miracle cure has substantially increased due to the ease of developing and deploying applications on smart mobile devices. The other factor organisations tend to ignore when thinking about business insight is the root cause of the problem. Organisations rush into investments in band-aid solutions with the justification that getting something done is better than nothing. In doing so, business insight and guidance mainly rely on simplistic analysis by reporting averages, tally [i.e. bar charts], and change in the percentage of “items” over time. Such “bad” evidence will lead people, whether at the C-Level or downstream at the lowest levels of the operation, to make the wrong decisions where operational dynamics and measurable business objectives are out of sight. This blog focuses on selected essential […]
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